7.1 Chemical Reactions & Matter Archives - OpenSciEd
This four-day professional learning session introduces teachers to the OpenSciEd materials generally in addition to the corresponding units. As a result of this professional learning, teachers will understand the supports and routines embedded into the OpenSciEd units that align with the shifts called for by A Framework for K–12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards. Included in this session are opportunities for teachers to:
*Watch videos of students engaging with the OpenSciEd units;
*Hear teachers reflect on shifting their instruction with support from the units,
*Engage in the actual lessons of the unit as a student; and
*Deepen their understanding of three-dimensional instruction and assessment

Session Agenda:

Day 1: What does it mean to use phenomena and questioning to support student sense making?
Day 2: How do we support instruction that is coherent for students?
Day 3: How do we support equitable discussions that move students’ science ideas forward?
Day 4: How do you support and assess your students’ growth in three-dimensional learning?