Unlock OpenSciEd’s power with everything from free resources to robust, transformative professional learning. OpenSciEd is committed to getting every science teacher the high quality professional learning experiences they deserve.
This was fantastic training, some of the best training I’ve had in my 30 years of teaching. Not a sales pitch. A real, useful professional learning activity that honored me as an educator.
Teacher From Blaine School District Blaine, Washington
Elevating Instruction
Decades of research make it clear that transformative professional learning is critical for elevating instruction to the next level. OpenSciEd’s robust, curriculum-based PL was developed alongside our instructional materials and field tested to ensure it is relevant and impactful. Teachers who attend our professional learning:
- Build confidence in their ability to facilitate student learning that positions students to make sense of the world around them.
- Deepen their content knowledge as they experience new ways of learning science together.
- Gain an in-depth understanding of OpenSciEd’s instructional approach that starts with students’ questions and moves to deep conceptual understanding.
- Join a growing nationwide network of educators who are passionate about ensuring all kids can excel in science.
Finding Professional Learning that Works
Getting great professional learning to teachers can be complicated, but we are committed to navigating these complexities with you. We have options for individuals and groups in a variety of formats and together we can ensure every teacher gets the professional learning they deserve.
Individual or small groups of teachers seeking resources to elevate their instruction should check out the On-Demand Teacher Support page to access free resources, tutorials, and webinars. To join virtual and in-person professional learning events, visit our Events Calendar.
Districts or larger groups looking for opportunities to host or join professional learning events should check out Professional Learning for Districts to join existing events, or bring an OpenSciEd professional learning event team to you!