Student Sensemaking - OpenSciEd
Professional Learning Session Overview

Student Sensemaking

Key opportunities to reflect in as a facilitator interspersed with experiencing the teacher professional learning

Session Overview

The facilitator learning materials are designed to accompany the teacher professional learning materials.Ā  Just as we value the importance of good teaching in supporting student learning, we value the importance of good facilitation for the effectiveness of teacher professional learning. These facilitator learning materials have been used with the OpenSciEd Field Test Facilitators throughout the project.Ā 

A key aspect of the design is to engage facilitators in the teacher professional learning as participants and then provide opportunities for reflection and planning.Ā  Included in these materials are the agendas, slides, and resources necessary to layer on top of the teacher professional learning materials.Ā 

The Facilitator Professional Learning materials include the following opportunities:

  • Reflect on aspects of each element and the implications for supporting teachers.Ā 
  • Analyze professional learning video related to the Key Instructional Elements
  • Analyze vignettes of potential challenges around the Key Instructional Elements
  • Use planning tools to identify and use the goals of the PD for making informed modifications.Ā Ā Ā 

Session Agenda

Facilitator Professional Learning Structure

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The Facilitator materials include a session designed to be used after engaging in the teacher professional learning (See Day 0 Key Elements Agenda and Slides). We have found it to be most beneficial if the times for the teacher professional learning are kept intact (e.g. do all of Day 1 on Day 1-donā€™t split it up on different days). In order to do this, it is suggested that you end with a half-day (Day 0) after the Teacher PD to reflect on and discuss facilitation and then add 1+ hours to each day for ongoing facilitation reflection. An alternative is to engage in the Day 0 session before participating in Days 1-2 (days 1-2 would still include facilitator hat reflection throughout). If the facilitation half-day is added before, we suggest including an introduction to the key OpenSciEd elements, which are included within the teacher professional development.Ā 

  • Days 1-2:Ā  Focused reflection time in ā€œFacilitator Hatā€ interspersed during the Teacher PD.Ā  Additionally, you may want to add additional time for planning and continued focus on facilitation.
  • Day 0:Ā  Half-day facilitator professional learning designed to take place after experiencing the OpenSciEd Teacher PD.

Sample Daily Agenda

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The facilitator learning aspects are colored in blue. To see the agenda and slides for the teacher professional learning in white rows, download theĀ teacher professional learning materials.