What materials make up an OpenSciEd Unit? - OpenSciEd
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What materials make up an OpenSciEd Unit?

Each OpenSciEd unit has several components.

For teachers, there is a teacher edition for each unit that describes the lesson procedures and instructional strategies, including key ideas for teachers to emphasize in each lesson. These guides are comprehensive, including example questions to ask at particular points in the lesson and example student responses. These guides are not intended to be used as a script but rather as suggestions for how to implement the lessons, which teachers can start with in planning instruction for their specific settings and students. Teachers are also provided with lab procedures, as appropriate for the lesson, and each lesson has an editable set of presentation slides that teachers can project as they move through each lesson.

Each unit also comes with a student edition, which provides readings, diagrams, graphics, and lab procedures. In addition to this student edition, there are student handouts designed for situations where students need to draw or write on an image or graphic organizer. These handouts need to be copied for each student. Finally, all students need to have a science notebook to use for written work throughout the unit.

Where applicable, units also contai interactive digital simulations that are part of the investigations. These interactive simulations can be accessed through web browsers.