What are OpenSciEd Certified Materials? - OpenSciEd
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What are OpenSciEd Certified Materials?

Certified versions are available through our partner distributors. They are fully packaged including print, digital, kit, and professional learning support. Each certified version, curriculum and kits, have been evaluated by OpenSciEd to ensure integrity to the instructional principles and design specifications

Certified Distribution partners undergo a rigorous review process. Each of our distribution partners has to submit every lesson and item that they touch to us for review. Each organization has a team of reviewers assigned to them to do this review work. We analyze the distributor’s proposed changes using the following lenses:

  • impact to storyline and student coherence
  • impact on 3D sensemaking
  • impact on accessibility

We are confident in our materials certification process to insure the adherence to original storylines and maintain overall 3D student sensemaking and accessibly. Find the list of our certified distributors here.