The calendar below shows the professional learning events hosted by OpenSciEd and our Certified Professional Learning partners.

January 6 @ 8:30 am - January 8 @ 3:30 pm PST
Event Series
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This Student Sensemaking professional learning supports science teachers in advancing their understanding of the OpenSciEd approach generally while going deep into a specific science unit (6.2 Thermal Energy, 7.2 Chemical Reactions and Energy, or 8.2 Sound Waves). Learning is designed to deepen content knowledge, planning, instruction, and data analysis practices. Included in this session are opportunities for teachers to:
- Reflect on successes and challenges of implementation of OpenSciEd units
- Identify OpenSciEd key instructional elements for teaching and learning
- Examine classroom video and artifacts from OSE units in relation to the key instructional elements
- Engage in the actual lessons of the unit as a student
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