The calendar below shows the professional learning events hosted by OpenSciEd and our Certified Professional Learning partners.
July 24, 2023 - July 27, 2023
$500.00 – $800.00This two-day professional development session focuses on the overarching question – How do we support all students in writing and drawing for sensemaking? It assumes the prerequisite completion of the Launch Professional Learning and previous experience teaching an OpenSciEd unit. Included in this session are opportunities for teachers to:
- Reflect on their own students’ writing/drawing and potential barriers.
- Analyze lessons to understand the focus, role, and varied opportunities of writing and drawing for sensemaking in OpenSciEd.
- Analyze examples from OpenSciEd lessons that show the student resources and progression of student ideas and practices over time as demonstrated through their writing and drawing
- Consider how to use instructional strategies to support students for writing and drawing for sensemaking.
- Engage in the actual lessons of the unit as a student.
Immerse yourself in one of the .6 units (6.6 Cells & Systems, 7.6 Earth’s Resources & Human Impact, 8.6 Natural Selection & Common Ancestry) while discovering strategies and practices to support students in writing and drawing for sensemaking.
- Two days of virtual professional learning via Zoom – July 25 – 26
- Hours: 11 AM-6 PM Eastern (EST) daily; one-hour “lunch break” at 2 PM EST
- Early bird price: $500 per participant. (register by May 1st)
- Regular price: $550
- Continuing Education and Graduate Credits are available! All participants will be provided with an official certificate of completion.
- Registration closing date: June 23, 2023 (extended to July 17th)
The facilitator ticket is for those interested in leading this professional learning themselves in their own context. Facilitators will experience the teacher sessions as well as two additional two-hour sessions to dig into the key goals of the PL and prepare to facilitate this event for others.
- Professional learning listed in the above teacher section
- Two additional days of virtual professional learning via Zoom – July 24th and July 27th from 12 – 2 PM EST
- Early Bird: $750 for individuals (register by May 1st)
- Regular price: $800 for individuals
- Continuing Education and Graduate Credits are available! All participants will be provided with an official certificate of completion at the end of the course with the number of clock hours of professional learning completed.
- Registration closing date: June 23, 2023 (extended to July 17th)