The calendar below shows the professional learning events hosted by OpenSciEd and our Certified Professional Learning partners.

July 19, 2023 - July 24, 2023
$500 – $800.00
- Analyze OpenSciEd Assessments using key criteria for 3D Assessments.
- Identify and analyze the different types of assessments in the OpenSciEd assessment system.
- Examine student work to provide feedback and support students’ 3D learning.
- Use the assessment guidance to reflect on and prepare for lessons.
- Engage in the actual lessons of the unit as a student.
Increase your understanding of the variety of assessments in OpenSciEd while digging into one of the .5 units (6.5 Natural Hazards, 7.5 Ecosystem Dynamics, 8.5 Genetics). Discover how the assessment system supports student growth and provides multiple ways for students to demonstrate their ability to reason with the three dimensions.
- Two days of virtual professional learning via Zoom – July 20 – 21st
- Hours: 11 AM-6 PM Eastern (EST) daily; one-hour “lunch break” at 2 PM EST
- Early bird price: $500 per participant. (register by May 1st)
- Regular price: $550
- Continuing Education and Graduate Credits are available! All participants will be provided with an official certificate of completion.
- Registration closing date: June 23, 2023
The facilitator ticket is for those interested in leading this professional learning themselves in their own context. Facilitators will experience the teacher sessions as well as two additional two-hour sessions to dig into the key goals of the PL and prepare to facilitate this event for others.
- Professional learning listed in the above teacher section
- Two additional days of virtual professional learning via Zoom – July 19th and July 24th from 2:30-4:30 PM EST
- Early Bird: $750 for individuals (register by May 1st)
- Regular price: $800 for individuals
- Continuing Education and Graduate Credits are available! All participants will be provided with an official certificate of completion at the end of the course with the number of clock hours of professional learning completed.
- Registration closing date: June 23, 2023